Goodwill Notes App

Team Members

Jose Benitez
Deep Brahmbhatt
Gabriel Sheikh
Aaron Afemikhe
John Li
Graduate Student
Dominick Blanco
Anna Koziol

Semester Overview

At the conclusion of this semester, our team of seven developers united forces to enhance an existing application tailored for the Goodwill team in South Bend. This period has been a testament to our collective and personal growth. We embraced the chance to explore an array of frameworks such as React Native, MySQL, Node.js, Figma, and Insomnia.

End of the Semester Reflection

This semester proved pivotal in refining our expertise and deepening our comprehension of system architecture and the intricate paths within the software development cycle. For many of us, adopting Agile methodologies was a novel but significant experience, marking a pivotal milestone in our professional journey.

Diving into React Native, we harnessed its capabilities to fortify our application's robustness. Our engagement with MySQL broadened our grasp of database management, while Node.js empowered us to craft efficient server-side applications. Figma emerged as our creative canvas, facilitating precise conceptualization and design, and Insomnia streamlined our API development process.

In essence, these past months weren't just about technical advancements; they were a platform for fostering collaboration, enhancing problem-solving abilities, and nurturing a culture of continuous improvement. As a team, we fortified not only our technical prowess but also cultivated invaluable soft skills essential for navigating the dynamic landscape of modern software development.

Looking ahead, the lessons learned and experiences gained during this semester will serve as a steadfast foundation for our ongoing growth and pursuit of excellence in all future endeavors.


Over 13 weeks, our team met biweekly, trying 'divide and conquer' and 'mob programming.' We found 'divide and conquer' most effective, letting everyone contribute and learn best. Breaking tasks into segments encouraged ownership, accountability, and efficient problem-solving. This method facilitated continuous learning and boosted our collective productivity, aligning with our diverse learning styles and teamwork.

Getting Started

Useful Links

Demo Videos

The above video is a quick demonstration of our Goodwill App as of November 27, 2023.

This video is audioless for the moment. The main purpose of it is to appreciate how the app will look like from a mobile perspective.

This video is meant to serve as reference for students who will work on the app in the future and are wondering how to connect to the backend.